So that day was very different. I was prepared and confident for once. I say for once because I am not the one to jump on a stage. I am more of a one on one, small group type of gal and my hands are often so full that I often feel like I am just pulling things off. Which has its value but I was ready to face the day. I put on my "Steve Jobs" fit, and I was ready to roll out. I secured my team and was fully equipped from the day before.
My heart was full as I walked on the stage and moments before I had just heard my favorite song "I'm Blessed." I walked up and presented from my soul and had the opportunity to pay homage to one of my greatest supporters Stephanie Williams and showcase some lovely Kalamazoo family in my slides. I delivered like I never had before, and my soul was at ease.
Before the judge's deliberation I was wrapped with love by those with interest in my business and encouragement about my delivery. Scrambling to check on my booth to help and assist. I rested in a moment of not knowing but feeling like a winner. However out of 6-9 awards, I won nothing. In a sudden fog I really had to reflect on how I was feeling. As I walked down the aisle to my booth once again, I recognized a peace in my spirit as I approached my booth full with my family, my friend / optician and patrons. That is winning... I'm Blessed!