So today I started my loc journey and I have been hype leading up to it. I have been going through such a transformational period with my birthday, business, marriage and coming upon 20/20. Just a lot going on but #ITHAPPENED!!!
and it is major... To be honest I didn't know what to think? You know they put that mirror in front of your face and boom it's time for your reaction... OH BOY!!! The heat is on. 🔥My initial reaction publicly was like oh okay... This is different. It's going to take some getting used to.
Can I put my hat back on? 🙄
I get in the car and I can't 1/2 see ish... It was just to dark. My head just seemed huge from what I felt I could see.
Just my luck the two gas stations I went to, to use the bathroom both had inoperable bathrooms. 🙁
Forced to wait till I got home. Finally home and to be honest I wasn't feeling the best at that moment but I know it's a process and that I have to be patient. I teased my husband saying that my #HEADWRAPGAME is about to be on point. Lol.
I avoided to showing him my hair.... What I was struggling with was that my coils were still wet, super thin and my scalps exposed. I was sensitive and not ready to handle it if he made the wrong comment.
Meanwhile after a few IG inspo views, a nap and a quick trip to the bathroom I decided to take another look at this hair of mine and saw it differently that quickly. It is most definitely still going to be a process still but I am reexcited!
Oh boy... This is going to be a trip! I guess that is why they call it a #LOCJOURNEY.
Emoji Credit: Hubinski